Salam Ukhwah

Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda, maksudnya:
Sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T tidak memandang kepada rupa paras dan harta benda kamu tetapi Allah hanya memandang kepada niat hati dan amalan-amalan kamu.

The Iqra sekadar medan peringatan buat yang terlupa..
Diwujudkan tidak untuk mendabik dada..
Bukan menghebah-hebahkan keadaan semasa..

Sekadar memenuhi tuntutan agama..
Untuk ingat-mengingati kasih-mengasihi sesama manusia..

Siapalah kita kalau bukan hamba-Nya yang hina..
Yang pasti kita ketemui disuatu masa..
Akan dipertanggungjawabkan segala amalan di dunia..

Friday, August 24, 2007

One Tree Hill

Hensel said to Gretell,"Let us drop this great crumbs so together we can find way home, because losing our way will be the cruelest thing." This year i lose my way.
Losing ur way in a journey is unfortunate but losing ur reason for the journey is a faith more cruel. The journey last for 8 months, sometimes i travel alone and sometime there were others who took the wheel and took my heart. But when the destination was reached it wasnt me who arrive, it wasnt me at all.
When u lose ur self u have 2 choices, find the person who u used to be or lose the person completely because sometime u have to step outside the person u have been and remember the person u were meant to be, the person u wanted to be, the person u are.

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